Did you love watching Disney movies about princess when you were little girl? There can hardly be anyone who would answer “no”. Little girls are fond of stories telling us how future beautiful princesses have to overcome various difficulties to marry a prince and live happily in a palace. But we should bare in mind that the origin of these tales are far not so enchanting. And the life of princess from the original tales written by the brothers Grimm wasn’t always wonderful. So let’s try to compare Disney’s and Grimm’s version to decide which is better.
Grimm’s traditional German fairy tales are very interesting stories and at the same times they represent historical literature. But in spite of that they can hardly be considered appropriate for children as they contain a lot of cruel scenes. For example the evil Queen from the tale of Snow White wanted to eat Snow White’s heart which actually turned out the heart of an animal. Having poisoned Snow White she was made to wear heated iron shoes and dance until her death.
Another terrifying moment we can observe in the story of Cinderella where the step sister chopped off parts of their feet trying to put on the golden slipper which was not their size.
Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty differs from Disney’s one in a way that she married a prince, had 2 children and while her husband was at war his evil mother orders to cook princess and her children and serve them to her. But she failed to realize her plan and died in a tub of vipers.
Thus, Disney princess movies differ greatly from the origin fairy tales they are based on. The most remarkable thing about the Disney’s versions is that they are very entertaining and parents watch them with their kids not to show that evil doings must be punished but just to be entertained. So from the point of view of writing stories more appropriate for children it can be said that Disney’s versions are better. Someone may argue that they are sugar-coated versions of the original fairy-tales. But on the other hand fairy tales acquire a lot of versions first passed orally and eventually written down. The Disney films are just that and these versions can be shown to kids without frightening them.
So taking into consideration everything said above, it’s up to you to decide which version you’ll let your children read or watch.
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